Maine’s highway system includes a total of 3,754 bridges, A total of 14% of Maine’s bridges are rated in poor/structurally deficient condition, meaning there is significant deterioration to the major components of the bridge. A total of 59% of the state’s bridges are at least 50 years old age when many bridges require significant rehabilitation or replacement.

MaineDOT’s current 3-year work plan includes a continued emphasis on bridge maintenance and preservation projects.

The Maine Chapter of the American Society for Civil Engineers used public data to analyze the current condition of Maine’s infrastructure. In the 2020 report, Maine Roads received a grade of C-. You can read the full report online by clicking here.

What should you know? Maine DOT conducts bridge inspections following Federal Highway standards to rate the condition of bridges. You can search for bridges in your town using this online tool. We’ve also assembled the list of structurally deficient bridges that are in the Maine DOT Three-Year Work Plan, which means they are scheduled for repair IF funding continues for the program, click here to view. 

What can you do? Sign the petition to protect the funding for Maine’s transportation infrastructure and show support for additional funding to address the backlog.


Link to the ASCE Report Card

Link to Maine DOT’s Workplan Multimedia Presentation

View Maine DOT’s Upcoming Projects